Minggu, 09 September 2012

Sunda Microplate

Sunda Microplate Forming Theory

Sunda Microplate is positioned between Eurasia ,Pacific and Hindia-Australia plate.Indo-china,Sumatera ,Java, and Borneo include in Sunda Microplate.Physiographicly,this microplate has shelf form and also called Sunda Shelf.

Three theory which explain forming process of microplate,has been existed.There are :

1. Sunda Microplate was formed as ring of subduction.Subduction interaction between Hindia-Australia and South China Sea had been existed at Perm until Cretaceous.The impact of that interaction are subduction and vulcanic line which composed Sunda Shelf.

2. Sunda Microplate was an origin part of Asia.This scenario was started when Gondwana had been broke.India plate which include in partition of Gondwana was move to the north and collided south of Eurasia (50 - 40 Ma/Eocene).That process triggered plate extrusion in east - southeast direction and formed Sunda Microcontinent.Tectonic compression which existed as effect of collided,made extentional phase in South Asia Sea plate.That condition induced basinal forming process in Sunda Microplate which was formed by strike-slip fault.

3. Sunda Microplate was amalgamated form.Sunda Microplate was composed by Gondwana element(continent crust), Asia (continent crust) element and suture line which imagine a convergen interaction.

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